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PS-MS Angeline / Thomas
28 novembre 2013

3 little pigs activity and new songs

3 little pigs activity and new songs
PS kids enjoyed making little pigs with shapes cut-outs, while MS kids explored with different materials to create the pigs' houses. Here's a story video of '3 little pigs'. We are singing the song 'Big Bad Wolf' and the kids are getting really good at...
22 novembre 2013

Le petit chaperon rouge et les trois petits cochons/ Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs

Le petit chaperon rouge et les trois petits cochons/ Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs
Here are the videos we enjoyed while learning the stories: Voici deux histoires sur lesquelles nous avons travaillé cette semaine, autour du thème du LOUP ! Le petit...
17 novembre 2013

le loup qui voulait changer de couleurs/The wolf who wants to change its color

le loup qui voulait changer de couleurs/The wolf who wants to change its color
We are reading this story in English and French. The children are reinforcing their colors vocabulary, and are introduced to the days of the week. Here's a song for days of the week :
17 novembre 2013

"A trois, on a moins froid "

"A trois, on a moins froid "
We read "A trois, on a moins froid " in both English and French. We learnt new animal names (rabbit, squirrel and hedgehog) and weather change. Our squirrel song :
15 novembre 2013

Promenons nous dans les bois

Promenons nous dans les bois
La chanson avec le texte
8 novembre 2013

November theme / thème du mois de novembre

November theme / thème du mois de novembre
Hello Parents, This month, we are bringing Autumn to a close, and start a new theme on wolves. We'll mostly be learning with different book readings. Chers parents, Nous terminons les travaux sur le thème de l'automne avant d'introduire le thème des loups...
PS-MS Angeline / Thomas