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PS-MS Angeline / Thomas

15 janvier 2014

Happy New Year

We started the year with a week of 'Galette de Rois' celebration and continuing with Winter theme..... focusing particularly on Winter clothing and activities, while anticipating snow to arrive in the city! Later in the term, we will be learning about...
10 janvier 2014

Galette de Rois

Galette de Rois
Happy New Year! .........and we got right into a celebratory mood with "Galette de Rois" We made playdough and created mini 'galette'
15 décembre 2013

Arctic and the cold activities

Arctic and the cold activities
In connection with Arctic and Winter learning, we made and melt ice. To keep things Christmas festive and much more fun, we had ice in green and red colors. It was a great Science experiement that engaged the children's interest fully, leaving them thrilled...
12 décembre 2013

Spectacle de Noël

Chers parents, Nous vous invitons à un goûter/spectacle de Noël le vendredi 20 décembre 2013 à 14H10 en salle de motricité (ancien bâtiment). Les parents d'élèves qui souhaitent apporter des jus de fruits peuvent s'inscrire en envoyant un email :
11 décembre 2013

Christmas Songs

Christmas Songs
Here are our songs which we are learning in preparation for the festive season! We wish you a Merry Christmas : We're only singing this part : We wish you a merry christmas (x 3) and a happy new year! Santa:...
5 décembre 2013

Chanson pour St Nicolas qui vient nous voir à l'école !

Les paroles de la chanson pour rencontrer St Nicolas : {Refrain:} Grand saint Nicolas, Arrête bien ton âne là là là. Grand saint Nicolas, Moi j´aime bien le chocolat la la Grand Saint Nicolas Si tu ne viens pas Moi j´aurai bien du chagrin Et ton âne n´aura...
4 décembre 2013

December Theme / Thème pour le mois de décembre

December Theme / Thème pour le mois de décembre
Our themes for December are Arctic and Christmas celebration. We will be learning about animals in the cold, Arctic environment and habitats for people and the animals. Mikulas celebration will be on Friday, 6th December, morning at school. There will...
28 novembre 2013

3 little pigs activity and new songs

3 little pigs activity and new songs
PS kids enjoyed making little pigs with shapes cut-outs, while MS kids explored with different materials to create the pigs' houses. Here's a story video of '3 little pigs'. We are singing the song 'Big Bad Wolf' and the kids are getting really good at...
22 novembre 2013

Le petit chaperon rouge et les trois petits cochons/ Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs

Le petit chaperon rouge et les trois petits cochons/ Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs
Here are the videos we enjoyed while learning the stories: Voici deux histoires sur lesquelles nous avons travaillé cette semaine, autour du thème du LOUP ! Le petit...
17 novembre 2013

le loup qui voulait changer de couleurs/The wolf who wants to change its color

le loup qui voulait changer de couleurs/The wolf who wants to change its color
We are reading this story in English and French. The children are reinforcing their colors vocabulary, and are introduced to the days of the week. Here's a song for days of the week :
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PS-MS Angeline / Thomas